Applications currently closed
University student or recent graduate interested in starting a GovTech business? Then this is for you... apply to win incubation space, training, mentoring and investment opportunities for your business!
so what do We have to do...
All that's required is for you to complete our F6S application form, which includes a video pitch. Do not worry about the quality of the video, you can film yourself on your phone. We are more interested in what you have to say.
Applications are for teams led by competing students from any degree programme (graduating 2023), whether BA/BSc, Masters, PhD, etc) and those who have graduated in the last three years. We don't care what subject you have graduated from.
Stuff You Should Read
Applications are currently closed.
You can only enter by completing the application form.
Applying and participating in the GovTech Academy Challenge programme is free, including all the incubation, training and mentoring. Any investment offer you receive through the programme will be in exchange for equity, but you can chose to take that offer or not - no pressure, your call - and any services or funding offered will be in addition to all the lovely stuff mentioned above.
There will be at least one team that will receive an offer for the full package of support but we might chose to offer it to more if we think there is more than one proposition that would benefit from the support we can offer and we like them.
Entries should be in the GovTech, CivTech or CivicTech space. Don't apply if that's not the case or we may have to plan some convoluted revenge for wasting everyones' time. That basically means you should be looking to do something that means national government, local government, government agencies or some part of the public sector is your customer.
You do not have to have formed a company when you apply, but you will need to before you take up your place on the programme.
The assessors decision is final. If you aren't prepared to accept their judgement, please don't apply.
Read the FAQs.
The GovTech Academy and all of it's activities, including the challenge, are part of the Rain Gods Ltd. Look there for details on data policies, legal statements and similar information.
Any questions, email us.